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The tales provided on this site are ones that have a particular power to enthral and inform. They are not just good stories but they are stories that can be demonstrated to have a deeper meaning. We offer some suggestions as to the meaning behind the tales presented here but the real value comes when you ponder on the tales themselves and reflect on what they might mean. To do this it is helpful to have a key. That we suggest is provided by the living ideas that lie within and behind all sacred and wise tales, which has been called variously the Perennial Philosophy, the Ancient Wisdom or the Universal Tradition. This tradition is the wisdom that is exemplified through all the great religions and spiritual philosophies of the world. It is what unites rather than divides them. For example the idea that Man is a Divine Creation is shared by all spiritual traditions that have stood the test of time. Men and women are more than mere bodies.  They have an immaterial part that may be seen as a divine spark or immortal essence.  The idea that the return of Man (all men and women) to his or her creative Source, takes effort and also requires a divine intervention if there is to be success, is a teaching that is as old, if not older, than the pyramids.

These tales have a power to awaken the mind to ideas that have often been over-looked or ignored in the modern world. Of course the stories are entertaining and that is one of the reasons they have persisted (sometimes over millennia). But they may be more than entertaining and can contain within their elegant structure, layers of deeper truths. In the case of many of the myths, these truths are telling of mysteries that are profoundly significant.

We invite you to revisit tales that may be very familiar but to look at them anew. We will offer an interpretation of the symbols and ideas presented in the stories. These interpretations are intended to be a start rather than a final view. It is the very nature of these tales that they reveal their mysteries slowly and more can be seen in them as their very particular language comes to be better understood.

Be playful – and like the Princesses of old, allow the kiss of the Prince (the ideas within the tales) to open your eyes to once upon a time.

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